The IMAGINE Collaborative Community is a new business consortium of leading organisations that have come together in a pioneering experiment in inter-company collaboration, helping leaders and their organisations leap-frog forward and be future fit for a new business paradigm.
Our shared purpose is to co-create a new blueprint for sustainable business success for the Digital Age through a focus on culture change and the New Management Model to deliver it.
Businesses need to grow but the old game plans are not working. In this time of head-snapping change this is not a time for incremental improvement. We have at best 20th century workplace practices for a 21st century workforce. The blueprint is not yet built but it will require a fundamental shift in how we lead, organise and manage. The Leader’s ability to unlock the true value of people will be the key to sustainable growth and superior business performance.
“CEOs need to be sure that the business is fit for whatever the future might throw at it and that means filling it with adaptable, creative people, working in a culture where energy fizzes and ideas spark to life"
Open collaboration amongst diverse businesses is a powerful vehicle for disruptive thinking, innovation, co-creation and shared learning. IMAGINE’s Collaborative Community is based on a different type of ‘real life’ sharing - open, honest and transparent - with like-minded organisations uniting around a common cause. This approach breaks down artificial barriers and challenges established truths and received wisdom to enable organisations to leapfrog forward and be fit for whatever the future might throw at them.