
The Community is exclusive and membership is by personal invitation only. The Executive Sponsors of the Community are the new SVPs and HRDs of Talent and Organisational Effectiveness with a remit to ensure that their organisations are fit for the future.

The Community’s members are leaders across Business and Talent functions. They are committed and ambitious individuals who are willing to embrace an open, generous, ‘give-to-get’ culture; who recognise the urgency and opportunity to get things done and make a difference. The success of this experiment relies on the belief, commitment and leadership of its members to maximize the opportunity.

Join Us

If you would like to know more about how you can join our Community or support us in a broader sense, please contact me.

Sue Brooks
M: +44(0)7939 040446
E: suebrooks@imagine-talent.com

"Changing the world begins with a small group of people who simply refuse to accept the unacceptable"