The IMAGINE Collaborative Community was launched in February 2017 and is a unique opportunity for organisations to work together and make a difference. It is a Community of committed senior leaders from across Talent and business functions. In addition to the paying member organisations, the Community is guided by a CEO Advisory Group and supported by an innovation ‘ecosystem’ of subject matter experts, thought leaders and academic bodies curated by IMAGINE to build and execute new solutions to shared challenges.
"Centralization and uniformity are the enemies of resilience. Instead of using technology to automate HR, we need to use it to obliterate bureaucracy"
We believe open collaboration is the future for co-creation. The Community has co-designed a new collaboration methodology underpinned by a rigorous and codified approach to innovation, learning and experimentation developed in partnership with The Henley Business School. The Community’s activities are action-orientated with the objective of producing tangible outcomes based on robust evidence and data. Our design principles are: